Sunday, March 17, 2013

Action Planning

Research Question: What is the relationship between high school school start times and a student’s success in the classroom?
Goal: Determine what is the ideal start time for a secondary high school
Action Steps
Person Responsible
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Meet with campus supervisor to about action research plan.
Nukah Kanabolo, Campus supervisor
March 2013
Reflect and determine whether I have access to all the necessary resources.
Review studies on sleeping habits of high school students
Nukah Kanabolo
March 2013
Use finding to determine what time is best.
Survey high school students on the amount of time they spend studying
Nukah Kanabolo
April 2013
Determine how much after school time is needed for students to study.
Survey high school students on their work schedules and ask whether getting out of school late has affected their search for a job.
Nukah Kanabolo
May 2013
Determine if school start times effect a student’s ability to find work
Gather school data on how often students are released from their last period class for extracurricular activities.
Nukah Kanabolo, Attendance office secretary
June 2013
School Data
Interpret the data.
Gather data on the start times of high schools in other districts and survey schools that have recently changed their school start time
Nukah Kanabolo
June 2013
Google, Contact other schools
Interpret the information discovered.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week Two Reflection

I learned that in order to be successful in the education field that we need to have a good concept of how to use research and be able to use it in the classroom/school building to impact student success. Producing results and increasing student performance are the ultimate goal in the education field.